Labour Campaign Blog

I blogged in the past about Red Alert. In that I question if it was a failed experiment or a flawed idea. Well as far as Labour are concerned, they seem to have taken the view that it is a failed experiment. So they have created a campaign blog.


It has only been launched in the last few days, thus there are only 6 blog posts on there. But it looks like they will be using it as a platform for candidates to express themselves. This is a good idea. However, just like Red Alert, it faces two real tests. The first test will come with how they handle critical comments. Will they resort to heavy moderation? Or will they allow critical comments through? One way to counter the presence of critical comments is to encourage supporters to comment, and not just party hacks, but those real, on the ground supporters who will engage in rational debate and discussion about the issues raised.


The second test it faces is the quality and quantity of the posts. Will support be given to candidates to help them produce good quality content?  Or will it be restricted to those who are able to do so without help? As well, will the pace be kept up, or will it petter out like Red Alert?


I like the idea of a more long form medium for candidates and MPs to use to connect with the electorate. As great as social media is, it is rather space constrained. However, just like social media, there is a need for quality and consistency within the product. These will be the tests of Labour’s campaign blog.

