Labour and Don Brash

Yesterday we had the National Party release a rather tragic info graphic attacking the Labour Party. Today we have the Labour Party clutching at straws in a new attack on the National Party and John Key. The source of the information for the attack comes from an unlikely source, none other than the former leader of the National Party and the ACT Party, Don Brash. I never thought I would see the day where the Labour Party was using Don Brash as a political weapon.


However, I do question the nature of this post and its presence on social media. Is Labour really advancing the argument that politics in NZ is presidential in style, and people vote directly for a Prime Minister? Or have they just forgotten that whoever has the confidence of the house is the person who holds the office of Prime Minister?


Also, they have been running this personal attack against John Key ever since he took over the leadership of the National Party. This has gone to the extreme of sending the Labour Party President to Australia to dig dirt on Joh Key. It hasn’t worked. John Key is still the most preferred Prime Minister, by a long shot. National are still riding at over 40% (over 45% depending on the poll.) in the polls, it is taking two parties to equal their ratings. Labour have obviously not learnt that their on going vendetta isn’t working.

don brash1

don brash 3


Both parties are equally guilty of playing gottcha politics, and making personal or diversionary attacks, both in the house and on social media. There is a reason there was 800,000+ people who didn’t vote last election. If parties want to try and get the votes of those who didn’t vote, they should take their own actions under consideration. I

